IPv6 LAB 2 Using General-Prefix for IPv6 address assignment
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Download Lab: GNS3
Image requirements:
Cisco IOSv (vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.156-2.T)
In this lab, you will configure IPv6 addresses for LAN subnets using IPv6 general-prefix. General-prefix easily allows you to renumber all subnets in your IPv6 environment when your ISP prefix has changed. There are multiple sets of tasks give you an opportunity to improve your IPv6 skills.
Lab tasks:
Part1: New Configuration.
1. Enable IPv6 unicast-routing and Cisco Express Forwarding on the router Office-A.
2. Configure the IPv6 default static route using the link-local address of the ISP1 router as next-hop.
3. Create IPv6 general-prefix in the global configuration mode on the router Office-A. Derive the ISP prefix from topology.
4. Assign IPv6 global addresses to the router Office-A's LAN interfaces using IPv6 general-prefix according to the topology.
5. Manually assign link-local address FE80::1000 to all LAN interfaces. (Perform task 4 and 5 as one step.)
6. Verify the IPv6 address assignment on the router Office-A.
7. Check that all clients were able to obtain IPv6 addresses.
8. Ping from any PC the IPv6 address of the loopback 0 interface on the ISP1 to confirm connectivity.
Part2: ISP1 has changed the IPv6 prefix.
1. Configure a static route to 2001:DB8:CCAA::/48 using router Office-A's link-local address on the ISP1 router.
2. Remove old IPv6 general-prefix on the router Office-A.
3. Create a new IPv6 general-prefix using the same name as the previous one. New ISP prefix is 2001:DB8:CCAA::/48
4. Verify that all LAN interfaces received a new prefix.
5. Verify that all PCs have their IPv6 configurations updated. ( Hint: Power cycle VPCS'.)
6. Verify connectivity to the ISP1's loopback0 interface from all PCs.
Command example:
Router(config)# ipv6 route ::/0 G0/0 FE80::AA:CC
Router(config)# ipv6 general-prefix myGP 2001:DB8:1000::/48
Router(config)# interface G0/1
Router(config-if)# description LAN1
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address FE80::1000 link-local
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address myGP 0:0:0:1::1/64
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Router(config-if)# exit
Router(config)# interface G0/2
Router(config-if)# description LAN2
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address FE80::1000 link-local
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address myGP 0:0:0:2::1/64
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
VPCS> ip auto
Router# show ipv6 interface brief
Router# show ipv6 interface g0/0
Router# show ipv6 route static
Router# show run interface G0/1
Router# show ipv6 general-prefix
VPCS> show
This lab helps better understand the way IPv6 addresses are assigned to the IPv6 nodes using awesome method of general-prefix, which is great tool to know about because sometimes prefixes change and it would be a painful experience to manually retype all IPv6 addresses on the devices in the network even of a small company. The next three IPv6 labs will be based on this one, they are going to be troubleshooting labs. I hope you guys like this lab, please rate upon completion.
Download Lab: GNS3
Image requirements:
Cisco IOSv (vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.156-2.T)
In this lab, you will configure IPv6 addresses for LAN subnets using IPv6 general-prefix. General-prefix easily allows you to renumber all subnets in your IPv6 environment when your ISP prefix has changed. There are multiple sets of tasks give you an opportunity to improve your IPv6 skills.
Lab tasks:
Part1: New Configuration.
1. Enable IPv6 unicast-routing and Cisco Express Forwarding on the router Office-A.
2. Configure the IPv6 default static route using the link-local address of the ISP1 router as next-hop.
3. Create IPv6 general-prefix in the global configuration mode on the router Office-A. Derive the ISP prefix from topology.
4. Assign IPv6 global addresses to the router Office-A's LAN interfaces using IPv6 general-prefix according to the topology.
5. Manually assign link-local address FE80::1000 to all LAN interfaces. (Perform task 4 and 5 as one step.)
6. Verify the IPv6 address assignment on the router Office-A.
7. Check that all clients were able to obtain IPv6 addresses.
8. Ping from any PC the IPv6 address of the loopback 0 interface on the ISP1 to confirm connectivity.
Part2: ISP1 has changed the IPv6 prefix.
1. Configure a static route to 2001:DB8:CCAA::/48 using router Office-A's link-local address on the ISP1 router.
2. Remove old IPv6 general-prefix on the router Office-A.
3. Create a new IPv6 general-prefix using the same name as the previous one. New ISP prefix is 2001:DB8:CCAA::/48
4. Verify that all LAN interfaces received a new prefix.
5. Verify that all PCs have their IPv6 configurations updated. ( Hint: Power cycle VPCS'.)
6. Verify connectivity to the ISP1's loopback0 interface from all PCs.
Command example:
Router(config)# ipv6 route ::/0 G0/0 FE80::AA:CC
Router(config)# ipv6 general-prefix myGP 2001:DB8:1000::/48
Router(config)# interface G0/1
Router(config-if)# description LAN1
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address FE80::1000 link-local
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address myGP 0:0:0:1::1/64
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Router(config-if)# exit
Router(config)# interface G0/2
Router(config-if)# description LAN2
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address FE80::1000 link-local
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address myGP 0:0:0:2::1/64
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
VPCS> ip auto
Router# show ipv6 interface brief
Router# show ipv6 interface g0/0
Router# show ipv6 route static
Router# show run interface G0/1
Router# show ipv6 general-prefix
VPCS> show
This lab helps better understand the way IPv6 addresses are assigned to the IPv6 nodes using awesome method of general-prefix, which is great tool to know about because sometimes prefixes change and it would be a painful experience to manually retype all IPv6 addresses on the devices in the network even of a small company. The next three IPv6 labs will be based on this one, they are going to be troubleshooting labs. I hope you guys like this lab, please rate upon completion.
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