BGP Lab 10 BGP Peer group (CCNP Level)

Download Lab: GNS3

Image requirements:
 Cisco IOSv        (vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.156-2.T)

Learn how to group alike BGP neighbor configurations under one entity, it will help you reduce the number of repetitive configurations associated with BGP neighbors. You can configure one peer group for iBGP connections with remote-as, update-source, next-hop-self, and password then you can use this peer group for every iBGP neighbor you have in your network.

Lab tasks:

1. Verify all existing iBGP neighbors on the routers ER1 and ER2 with show bgp command and running-config.

2. Configure peer group named iBGP on the router ER1 with remote-as, update-source, and next-hop-self parameters then remove iBGP neighbors one by one from bgp configuration and replace them with the peer group parameter.

3. Configure the same way as ER1, router ER2.

4. Verify that the peer group was configured properly on both routers and then check that all iBGP neighbors are present in the bgp neighbor tables.

5. Save configurations on all affected routers.

Configuration example:
ER1(config)# router bgp 250
ER1(config-router)# neighbor iBGP peer-group
ER1(config-router)# neighbor iBGP remote-as 250
ER1(config-router)# neighbor iBGP update-source lo0
ER1(config-router)# neighbor iBGP next-hop-self
ER1(config-router)# neighbor peer-group iBGP
ER1(config-router)# neighbor peer-group iBGP
ER1(config-router)# neighbor peer-group iBGP
ER1(config-router)# neighbor peer-group iBGP
ER1(config-router)# neighbor peer-group iBGP
ER1(config-router)# end




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