
Showing posts from November, 2019

BGP Lab 24 IPv6 BGP Route filtering Challenge (CCNP Level)

BGP Lab 23 IPv6 BGP Route filtering with Prefix-list (CCNP Level)

BGP Lab 22 IPv6 BGP Route filtering with ACL (CCNP Level)

BGP Lab 21 Leaking IPv6 prefix (CCNP Level)

BGP Lab 20 IPv6 prefix aggregation (CCNP Level)

BGP Lab 19 Injecting IPv6 prefixes into BGP (CCNP Level)

BGP Lab 18 Internal BGP over IPv6 (CCNP Level)

BGP Lab 17 IPv6 over IPv6 BGP session (CCNP Level)

IPv6 LAB 10 Troubleshooting-4 based on the Lab6

IPv6 LAB 9 Troubleshooting-3 based on the Lab6

IPv6 LAB 8 Troubleshooting-2 based on the Lab6

IPv6 LAB 7 Troubleshooting-1 based on the Lab6

IPv6 LAB 6 DHCPv6 Prefix-delegation

IPv6 LAB 5 Troubleshooting-3 based on the Lab2

IPv6 LAB 4 Troubleshooting-2 based on the Lab2

IPv6 LAB 3 Troubleshooting-1 based on the Lab2

IPv6 LAB 2 Using General-Prefix for IPv6 address assignment

IPv6 LAB 1 Deployment (CCNP level)