IS-IS Lab 12 Area Migration

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Download Lab: VIRL | EVE-NG | GNS3

Image requirements:

Cisco IOSv (vios-adventerprisek9-m.vmdk.SPA.156-2.T)

Unlike OSPF, with IS-IS you can renumber entire Area ID without any downtime. In this lab, you will assign different area ID to IS-IS nodes in the topology. Your task will include configuring a new network entity title and remove old ones from all routers participating in the current area A100 and verify the accomplished work. 

Nodes Access: 
Enable:       cisco 
Username:  cisco 
Password:   cisco 

Lab Tasks:

1. Verify current NET addresses for IS-IS nodes in the Area A100. 

2. Assign new NET addresses to nodes in the current Area A100 with new Area-ID of A111 but keep current System-IDs. Start configuration with router A1. 

3. Verify that each router has two NSAPs, then remove old NETs. 

4. Check if nodes migrated properly to new area A111.


Lab procedure:

Step1: Using show isis protocol determine the current Area-ID and System-ID of the node A1. 

A1#show  isis protocol

IS-IS Router: <Null Tag>
  System Id: 1921.6800.0001.00  IS-Type: level-1
  Manual area address(es):
  Routing for area address(es):
  Interfaces supported by IS-IS:
        GigabitEthernet0/1 - IP
        Loopback172 - IP
        Loopback0 - IP
    static (on by default)
  Distance for L2 CLNS routes: 110
  RRR level: none
  Generate narrow metrics: none
  Accept narrow metrics:   none

 Generate wide metrics:   level-1-2
  Accept wide metrics:     level-1-2

Step2: Configure second NET address using new Area-ID but keep old System-ID.

A1(config)#router isis
A1(config-router)#net 49.A111.1921.6800.0001.00  

A1#show  running-config | section  isis
router isis
 net 49.a100.1921.6800.0001.00
 net 49.a111.1921.6800.0001.00
 is-type level-1
 metric-style wide

Step3: Verify that nodes have two NSAP addresses. 
A1#show isis protocol

IS-IS Router: <Null Tag>
  System Id: 1921.6800.0001.00  IS-Type: level-1
  Manual area address(es):

  Routing for area address(es):

  Interfaces supported by IS-IS:
        GigabitEthernet0/1 - IP
        Loopback172 - IP
        Loopback0 - IP
    static (on by default)
  Distance for L2 CLNS routes: 110
  RRR level: none
  Generate narrow metrics: none

Accept narrow metrics:   none
  Generate wide metrics:   level-1-2
  Accept wide metrics:     level-1-2

Step3a: Repeat steps 1 through 3 for IS nodes A2 and A3. 

Step3b: Remove old NET addresses from node A1, A2, and A3. 

A1#show  running-config | section  isis
router isis
 net 49.a100.1921.6800.0001.00
 net 49.a111.1921.6800.0001.00
 is-type level-1
 metric-style wide

A1(config)#router  isis
A1(config-router)#no net 49.a100.1921.6800.0001.00

Step4: The final step, is to confirm that the migration process has been completed properly. On routers A1, A2, and A3 by using show commands verify all necessary changes.  

show isis protocol 
show isis database detail


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